are you ready to work with me?

Lorna M. Long

Lorna M. Long

Certified Life/Performance Coach

Whole Food Plant Based Coach

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Ready to go Plant Based?

If you’ve been meaning to try this lifestyle and want support along the way I’m here for you.

You don’t have to figure it out on your own.

I have developed strategies to get you started and for you to gradually incorporate into your life so they become second nature and you are then able to sustain them as part of your every day life. But here’s the truth: nobody has it all figured out alone. That’s why I’m here. Together, we’ll explore your struggles and tackle the challenges that come up, and gradually celebrate your improved well-being!

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Find yourself eating a greater variety of food and possibly enjoying cooking again.

We both know that we tend to be on repeat with many of our meals if not most of them, when what we’re striving for is greater variety as our microbiome thrives on it. Let’s liberate your inner Chef and rekindle that love for cooking as you create a simpler and more varied menu that your whole family can enjoy and benefit from.

I have been eating this way for the past 6 years with many health benefits along the way.

For the past 6 years I have been immersed in the world of whole food plant-based eating. I eat this way myself and have garnered many health benefits from this lifestyle. I have a very strong interest in its impact on our health and on our mental health. I got Certified in Plant Based Nutrition from Cornell University (eCornell) where I had the opportunity to delve even deeper into the science behind this lifestyle. Who doesn't want to feel better, happier and with more energy, and mentally have more clarity and know that what we put in our mouths has such an impact in all of these areas for the better. So I wanted to share with you resources in order for you to learn about this area in a clear and concise manner.

I am available as a coach and motivator if you're considering adopting this lifestyle and need some support and guidance, of course with the direct supervision of your own doctor. My intention is not as a nutritionist or medical practitioner in this area, but I have gathered many resources, attended various conferences, read many books in the area and would like to offer it to you.

However, if you want to review the resources on your own and delve into this lifestyle without any personal guidance the Manual is available for purchase on its own as well. Reach out and let’s work together towards a healthier you!



Instant Download

$14.99 USD

This is for you if...

You’ve read a lot about this lifestyle but don’t know exactly where to start.

You’ve read a lot of the books and followed all the Instagram gurus but find yourself with questions on how to best start this process; and even more important how to trust the information you have gathered.

You’re ready to implement what you’ve learned but would like more guidance and support as you do this.

Instead of trying to do this by yourself you would like professional guidance as you implement the recipes , strategies and bounce off the gradual benefits that begin to appear.

You’re looking for someone to motivate you when things get tough or uncertain and will keep you on the road to greater well-being.

I’ll be that cheerleader, guide, magnifying glass when needed to keep you on track as you attempt to reach your health goals. There is nothing like not walking alone on unfamiliar territory.

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How it Works


Choose Your Plan


Fill in the Application


Book Your First Session

Sounds Amazing, Right?

let’s get started

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Choose Your Plan

90 minute session

It's a one-off, 90-minute chat with me where you can dive deep fast and get a clear action plan created just for you and your life.

6 week program

This one’s all about community and connection! Get six weeks of group coaching calls where you'll meet to share, grow, and learn together.

6 month package

Our VIP package gives you highly personalized support including two 60-minute sessions each month for six months, totaling 12 sessions.


It's time for a shift, and it starts now. Let's redefine what success and happiness look like for you.

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Yes, Please. Let’s Get Started!

Ready to transform? Don’t let another day pass as just another day. Let’s make it the beginning of your best life.

Option 1

90 min session

1 x 1:1 Virtual Coaching Session

30 Days of Email Support

Printable Reference Manual

$197 $97

sold out

One time payment

*6 Spots available

Option 2

6 week program

6 x Virtual Coaching Calls

6+ Hours of Video Training

6-Week Menu Planner

Printable Reference Manual

$497 $297

Payment Plans Available

*All prices shown in USD

Option 3

6 month package

12 x 1:1 Virtual Coaching Sessions

12 + Hours of Video Training

6-Month Menu Planner

Printable Reference Manual

24/7 Email & Whatsapp Support

$997 $597

sold out

Payment Plans Available

*6 Spots available

now booking for SPRING 2024

Ready to Get Started?

This is where everything changes. I’m here to guide you from the shadows of your doubts into the bright light of your what’s really possible. Together we’ll tackle your fears, supercharge your dreams, and map out the path to your success as your health gets supercharged.

"I cannot recommend LORNA enough! She has truly helped me to see my health from a different perspective and provided me with the tools and support needed to make positive changes."

Roberto S.

"If you're looking for a coach, look no further than LORNA! She knows what it takes to create lasting change. With her help, I have gained confidence, clarity, and a way to try this lifestyle with clear steps, lots of support and am feeling great."

Sammy H.

"Working with LORNA has been life-changing! Her compassionate and insightful approach has allowed me to change my diet radically and led me to much better biomarkers I never thought I would ever see again.”

Heidi H.

Meet Your Coach

I'm Lorna

Hi there! I cannot tell you how excited I am to support you in a journey that I myself embarked on 6 years ago. It’s been a vast learning experience that I want to make available to you so as not to waist time figuring out how to start and succeed. I'm available as a coach and motivator if you're considering adopting this lifestyle and need support and guidance, of course with the direct supervision of your own doctor. My intention is not as a nutritionist or medical practitioner in this area, but I have gathered many resources, attended various conferences, read many books in the area and would like to offer this information to you. With my expertise as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist generating change for the past 31 years and as a Performance Enhancement Consultant with elite athletes, teams, coaches, surgeons, artists in various disciplines I will blend my coaching tools with my knowledge in Whole Food Plant Based Nutrition from my training at eCornell University and help you set up a tailored plan of action to implement this lifestyle as seamlessly as possible. Let’s work together if you’re ready for a health transformation!

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