Lorna M. Long

Lorna M. Long

Certified Life/Performance Coach

Whole Food Plant Based Coach

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

I've been exactly where you are.

I know how it feels to wake up and wonder if this is really all there is to life. You know, that feeling of being a bit lost, like you're just going through the motions every day without really enjoying it.

I've had those mornings where I couldn't figure out why I wasn't happier, why I felt stuck, and why the things that were supposed to make me happy just weren't cutting it anymore. Trust me, I've been there.

Where it all began...

It all started when I hit what felt like a dead end. I was checking all the boxes that were supposed to lead to a happy life, but somehow, I wasn't feeling it. That's when I decided to dig deeper, to really get to know myself. I started reading, exploring, and and focusing within my own training what I may be missing or ignoring. For heaven’s sake I’ve been trained to do this professionally!

I realized I had to realign my life with my true values and passions, and it was like a lightbulb went on! Suddenly, I understood what made me tick, and every decision became clearer and more impactful, even my work was greatly impacted for the best. I was now working from a more authentic and genuine personal struggle and place and had come out on the other side. My contribution became more powerful and genuine.

You're in the

perfect place.

If you're feeling stuck, unsure, or just plain tired of not feeling fulfilled. This is your starting line for a journey to finding what really lights you up inside. It's not just about chasing happiness; it's about creating a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside. Think of me as your guide, your cheerleader, and your coach all rolled into one. I’m here to push you, inspire you, and celebrate with you at every step of your journey.

My Heart’s Mission

I’m here to help individuals like you connect with your deepest desires and build a life that’s authentically yours, so you can live boldly and with passion.

You are more than enough.

Parental Advisory Explicit Content
Parental Advisory Explicit Content
Botanical Sketches

It's time for

things to change.

Enough waiting for the "right" moment or believing that change is only for the lucky few. I’m here to walk beside you, offering support and insight as you take the steps towards a life that reflects who you truly are. It’s time to stop wondering "what if?" and start living your "what's next?" with excitement and confidence. Let's do this together!

Lorna xo

Lorna M. Long

Certified Life/Performance Coach

Whole Food Plant Based Coach

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

About Me

Hey! I'm here to be your personal cheerleader and certified life coach, specializing in sweeping away that pesky anxiety. We’ll work together to manage stress, smash your goals, and help you step into a life filled with confidence and joy. Ready to start feeling fabulous?

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